Mind Spruce Psychotherapy
Healing begins within
Your story matters.
Sometimes that can be hard to fathom in a world of so many but it’s true. Everything you have been through- your experiences in life, your relationships, and your point of view - all matter. They are all elements of what has shaped you into who you are today, how you move through each day, and how you might envision your future.
When life feels especially hard or even unmanageable, it can be helpful to meet with a therapist who is passionate about helping others navigate these challenges. Finding a therapist you connect with, and who provides a space where you feel heard and respected, is so important.
​Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery.

​In my sessions, I promote healing and transformation through the exploration of past challenges, along with current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and the adoption of new insights and a more balanced outlook. I have the tools and professional experience to help you get back on track.
I am a licensed mental health service provider. I work in Michigan and serve clients virtually throughout the state and in-person in our office located in Birmingham, MI.
I offer a complimentary introductory 15-minute session to get to know you and better understand your needs. I look forward to working with you!

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
-Wayne Dyer